Hi there!
I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' for Teacher Week!
Now, I have to admit, I feel a little sad because Teacher Week signals "Back to School", BUT we don't go back until after Labor Day, and in my head that is still oh so very very far away so that makes me feel a little better. :) In fact, it is sooooo far away that I won't even be able to link up tomorrow for the classroom tour because mine is not even done! (Although, believe me, it is not for lack of wanting to....I just have to wait until they've cleaned my carpets before I can really get anything set up.)
Anywho, here are a few facts about me....
1. I moved to from Michigan (where I grew up) to Wisconsin 2 years ago to teach 1st grade. I really like Wisconsin, but I am a Michigangster at heart!
(Photo from michiganawesome.org)
2. I am a huge nerd (see above photo....I own this t-shirt) and love things like this:
(Photos from Noodlehug shop on etsy, although I totally own the top 2 pictures and will probably own the 3rd one soon) :)
3. I have a younger brother that is almost done with college. My first graders LOVE when I show them pictures of me & my brother because they think it's hilarious that my "little" brother is taller than me. Haha!
It isn't the best photo, but you get the idea....
4. I love love LOVE to travel! I studied abroad in London during college, and I also traveled to Scotland, France, Italy, and Greece while I was over. there. I love experiencing things outside of my own little world and seeing what other cultures are like. I would love to spend my summers in different countries, but unfortunately, international traveling is kind of an expensive hobby....
The Leaning Tower of Pisa!
The Ruins of Pompeii
Beautiful Venice!
5. I'm left handed & so it took me a little while to use scissors in elementary school. I didn't (and still don't!) get why scissors only work in your right hand! When I was a kid, I used to think it was magic.
6. I'm a picky eater, so while I love to travel, I am very hesitate to try new foods at the places I go.
7. This will be my 3rd year teaching. I am by no means an expert or veteran teacher, but I am so happy to be out of the "brand new" teacher phase. I am really excited to keep growing and learning this year with my new group of kiddos!
8. I really like going to the zoo! It's so fun to see all of the animals, and the zoo near us has some great events during the year. I am hoping to go in a couple weeks to a food and wine tasting event at the zoo, as well as go and touch some stingrays at their summer exhibit.
Here I am with a lil' ol' giraffe! :)
9. I do not like to cook, and therefore, I do not cook very well. It's a vicious cycle.
10. I love geometric patterns! I have a hard time decorating my apartment because I love so many patterns, but they don't all go together. Oh well....I will keep plugging away and shopping I guess.....
Whew! That was actually a little a hard to think of 10 things! I am generally a pretty private person, so I would start something and then change my mind about sharing it. Maybe some other time! :) I am hoping to link up to some other Teacher Week days, but my classroom tour will have to come at a later date.
Happy Monday!
- Katy