I usually spend Sunday afternoons prepping things for the week ahead. We have a short week this week, so I didn't have that much to prep, but I did make these little sheets to go along with one of our phonics activities this week. I'm going to put the sight words in a basket and have them draw out a few to practice. They can read the word, build the word with magnetic letters, and then write the word. I'm going to use the top half of the page for my kiddos who are on/below grade level and the bottom half for my kiddos who are above grade level. If you do any "making words" activities and could use these, feel free to grab them!
ReplyDeletedo you have your students actually write anything in the boxes? If not, what is the purpose of the boxes? thanks!
Thanks for your comment! I have my students pick out a word from a cup or basket (this round I used the words on the word page above). They put the word in the "Read It" box. Then, they build the word with magnetic letters in the "Build it" box. I also have my students mix up the letters and build it a 2nd time, but you wouldn't have to. Then, I have them write the word in the "Write it" column. I actually have a class set of this template laminated so the kids can write with dry erase markers. That way, I can re-use the templates each time we do the activity. Hope this helps!
DeleteThank you for the list! And it's in a google doc...bless you. :D